Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Aboard Noah's Ark - 1

To be or not to be in the ark... That was the stark line that separated life and death. But it also revealed for many the result of an exam on an eternal bliss vs eternal loss... Still, the life on the ark was that of this world and the passengers were confined to human conditions. That meant all of the worries, fears, hopes, angers, desires and question marks composing the human nature.

Are we going to survive these mountain-like waves? Even if we survived, how are we going to start life again, given the destruction of the flood? We've got limited food and water supply... 
These and many more uncertainties would face a strong answer, though.
We could have been among the crowd that has already drowned. God saved us by our faith and He is the guarantor of everything else during our voyage on this ark. His messenger is with us, too.
Yes, outside, the monstrous waves are smashing the hull of the ship, the wind is roaring wildly, which are scary, but at the same time, you are protected inside despite all that turmoil. You just need to learn to trust your Lord, the Sustainer. And with that trust, comes calmness that penetrates your body, and you fall asleep...

When you wake up, you see that you are still alive. Yes the waves are still smashing the hull, the wind is still roaring, and you are still protected. Although you are in a confined space, from another perspective, it is the events outside that are in a cage. They can't and don't penetrate the ark. So, you get used to this situation. Then, you start thinking more subtle and serious issues. Why and how did all this happen?

Yes, why did all this happen? Simple answer, because the others not only did not believe but also created a social system in which nobody could dare to approach Noah, let alone become a believer. They made sure that not only themselves but also future generations, too, are not going to fall to the calls of Noah. So, when all was done on both sides and when every attempt has failed, Noah prayed for the destruction of the disbelievers, for their society is going to bear none but those who violate and manipulate the freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and who create conflict on earth.
He said, "My Lord, indeed I invited my people [to truth] night and day. But my call has only made them flee the more. And verily! Every time I called unto them that You might forgive them, they thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, and persisted (in their refusal), and magnified themselves in pride. (71/5-7)
Noah said, "My Lord, indeed they have disobeyed me and followed him whose wealth and children will not increase him except in loss. And they have devised a tremendous plot. (71/21-22)
And Noah said, "My Lord, do not leave upon the earth from among the disbelievers an inhabitant. If You leave them, they will mislead Your servants, and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers. (71/26-27)
So he invoked his Lord, "I am defeated; so, help!" (54/10)

Seeing the before and after of the events, you would definitely be engulfed in a mix of feelings. Relieved of the constant pressure and mockery of the disbelievers, but grieved at the loss of loved ones. Angry at the stubbornness of the wicked people in their despicable lives, but fearing your own existence and future... But an eventual thought would hit you. If you and other believers are saved along with the messenger of God, that means there is a continuation to this story. If there is a continuation, that means there is life, prosperity, family and a community of believers who are committed to each other. But would this dramatic end repeat itself somehow?

First of all, whether there is a possibility of a replay or not, you are responsible of teaching the faith to the new generations. For that, you sure are going to tell them what happened in the past, and the ark is going to be the ideal school building for that purpose. A school, a worship place, a sign for all future generations to come... This is all good but, what else can you do to ensure that people are not going to revert to the same atrocities against each other, even if they are personally in disbelief?


  1. This is a new perspective for me. the story of the ark is repeating itself at different points of life. What intrigues me is that in the Qur'an, God almighty mentions life in before the flood, shortly after the flood. but there is no mention of what was it like inside it. which I'm interested in now. like was there anyone who was still skeptical? were they afraid? and what was their mental state in that time?
    I might not get an answer, but I'm very interested knowing

    1. Below are some links discussing the flood story from different perspectives. As far as the people in the ark, it is no question that they are believers, but after all, what is visible to them is devastation. So, it is possible that somewhere in their minds "what if" questions were flying, God knows best. But that doesn't mean they were not believing. This aspect of suspicion is actually what makes a believer believer. You believe in what you don't see.



    2. I was recently thinking about that matter of faith. I don't find it exciting or intriguing to embrace it with certainty, since, in my opinion, certainty will only bring more ignorance.
      Having faith has to be like a leap or that game we used to play by falling on our backs and trusting our friends to hold us.
      then I remember Hz Abubakr in the night of Mi'raj he faced a very tough situation when the disbelievers came and told him that his life time friend said he was elevated to the 7 skies and met God. certainly very tricky. there is a great chance of the infidels replying by we lied he never said that and you just believed any lie about him. despite this ominous situation, he leapt into uncertainty having faith in the truthfulness of the messenger.
      those in the ark might have had such thoughts too..
      I will read those two articles :)

    3. Maybe you already have seen this talk, but it is so relevant to the matter we are discussing:

      Doubt essential to faith by Lesley Hazelton

