Thursday, April 16, 2020

Aboard Noah's Ark - 4

You are on the ark with Noah. What can be more fortunate? Well, God has more for you in His plan:
And certainly We wrote in the Book after the reminder that (as for) the land, My righteous servants shall inherit it. (21/105)
Allah has promised those who have believed among you and done righteous deeds that He will surely grant them succession [to authority] upon the earth just as He granted it to those before them and that He will surely establish for them [therein] their religion which He has preferred for them and that He will surely substitute for them, after their fear, security, [for] they worship Me, not associating anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that - then those are the defiantly disobedient. (24/55)

Although these Quranic verses were revealed not in context of the Great Flood, they certainly point at the same fact. Those who were rescued from that colossal destruction are promoted to a much higher level: being the inheritors of the land who are responsible for the amelioration of things after corruption. With responsibility comes authority, and vice-versa. Remember that the believers with Noah pbuh were the low level people in their society, but now, they became the highest and most powerful. This sharp intervention of God, which turns out a blessing for the believers and for the future generations to come, is surely another trial for the survivors, as the examination in this life goes on until death.
Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned. (21/35)
Pondering over how to fulfill your responsibility, taking lessons from God's practice is a reasonable approach. Looking back, you see that God has been extremely patient with the disbelievers, and always instructed His messenger to call them to commonsense and critical thought. He warned them with afflictions before the final action. And in the end, He did not tell his messenger and the believers to fight against them, but to simply withdraw from them and busy themselves with the construction of the ark. During this period, the disbelievers started making fun of Noah, and he had simply replied with ironical threats. 
They said, "O Noah, you have disputed us and been frequent in dispute of us. So bring us what you threaten us, if you should be of the truthful." (11/32)
And he constructed the ship, and whenever an assembly of the eminent of his people passed by him, they ridiculed him. He said, "If you ridicule us, then we will ridicule you just as you ridicule. (11/38)

Finally, we know what happened. In fact, the same situation was also present during the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
They say, "If what you say is true, when will the final triumph come?" Say, "On the day of the final triumph, the faith of the disbelievers will be of no avail to them, nor will they be given any respite". (32/28-29)
So, a clear lesson from these is that to bring a decisive end to evil and to have a fresh start in good necessitates establishing a noteworthy and timeless lesson to the survivors through punishing the perpetrators of evil. If necessary, you have to amputate a limb in order to save the body. God willing, the stem cells are going to complete the missing part in time. 

This does not mean to eradicate evil from the face of the planet for good, though; because the rule of the game is that you can only curtail evil, but not annihilate it. For example, your anger may spur you to execute punishments in ways surpassing the limits of justice, when you were supposed to act in the name of God and justice. So, lesson two, beware of not becoming the seed of evil yourself.
O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well­-Acquainted with what you do. (5/8)

A third lesson in context of the anger against evil can be drawn from the definition of anger. It is the behavioral response of our immune system to repel evil (for further reading on anger, you can see the Anger Engine series in this blog: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7). Anger has the ability to muster all powers in our being to engender the desired safety and security. That is, when you are determined to get rid of something for good, you take irreversible action. You take a step that ensures that you will not return to the same conditions. Take differently, you do things such that they preclude the replay of the same events. In fact, if you are a wise person, you employ your anger to avoid the evil in the first place, instead of curtailing it after its establishment. Now let's see some examples of both cases.

If you compare dating and marriage, the former is a rather reversible act while the latter is relatively irreversible. That means if you want to step back from marriage after it is done, your return is going to have an irreversible toll on you. To highlight and commemorate this irreversibility, the two essential things that make a marriage licit in Islam are its announcement and the mahr (goods or money) given to the bride. These are there to avoid evil in the long run, which can occur when people take marriage as a game, i.e. a reversible step.

Other cases of irreversible, giant steps include the Israelites' story with Moses pbuh. In order to avoid a return to the pharaoh's regime, they were required to escape the city, by which they risked their lives. Once they escaped, there was no return, or else they would be killed. After this, when they fell to worshiping a cow statue, they were required by God to slaughter a real cow by their very hands so that they can see the absurdity of their practice, i.e. they had to slaughter their god!

Similarly, the first Muslims in Mecca had to migrate to Medina, by which they abandoned all their belongings and their loved ones. The first believers in Medina, on the other hand, gave up their internal deadly fights and forwent any revenge against each other. On top of forgiving each other, they undertook hosting their fellow migrant believers, and had to establish a mutual fraternity by which they shared not only their houses but also their wealth. Above all, these two communities, i.e. migrants and helpers, took all of the powers of the world then against themselves by proclaiming their faith and by embracing the messenger of God.

With these in mind, if you look at the recent history of the Middle East, you see that the nations that underwent a revolutionary transformation and cut their ties with their past achieved a real transformation, whereas the nations that assumed minimal modifications only went through a change of garment, without evolving really. I am not going to defend all of the events that took place during these periods in the twentieth century, but it is clear that decisive changes need and prerequisite irreversible and giant actions.

In the Noah's ark, as you and humanity are about to begin life anew, keep in mind that if you want future generations to embrace something and not give it up, they are going to have to make great sacrifices and work hard for them, just like you made when you took the faith introduced by Noah.


  1. So basically with changes in our lives, God Almighty is giving us an ultimatum to instigate a different life and sacrifice the past.
    Do you think that God gives us these ultimatums for the use of language and the words we speak in our daily live?

    1. To pretend to be changing and really changing are not the same. One can only deceive themselves, not God. So, it is your call to determine what (if anything) is leading you (or a group of people) to a duality towards God. In the end, if nothing has changed for centuries and if people are still insisting that nothing is wrong with them, I would say that there are problems with the diagnostic capabilities...

      Aside from these, specifically about your question, ultimately I cannot think on other people's behalf, and so I don't know. But I can see that if the everyday talks are occurring in a way to suppress the voicing of truths or if the human interactions are desensitizing people towards the violation of truths, then the answer is a definite yes.
